Web4, the Next Era of the Internet
The 3D Web (or The 'Immersive/Symbiotic/Spatial' Web)
by Timothy Coleman - 16/Nov/2022
Special thanks to Caryn Tan and Jamie O'Connell for the feedback, as well as to everyone else who gave feedback.
Eras of the Internet
Previous Eras, like the Stone and Iron Age, resulted in enormous changes to civilisations. The Web2 Era of the Internet, came when new tech enabled anyone to 'Edit', not just 'Read' websites (think Wikipedia), and gave rise to companies like Amazon and Facebook.
In 2013, it was predicted that a coming Era of the Internet would be one in which humans and machines exist in 'Symbiotic Relationship'; it was even described as "the 3D Web": A space we can 'Step into' or 'Wear'.
The Metaverse and Web4
9 years later, just before the beginning of 2022, we saw the use of the word 'Metaverse' become mainstream. The problem, however, is that 'Metaverse' is still often defined as a subcategory of Web3 Era Technology. This causes a lot of confusion.
Web3 is about technology which facilitates Digital Ownership (e.g. Crypto/NFTs). Metaverse technology, along with: Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (XR), Wearables, IOT, maybe even Gaming (MMOs); are Web4.
Why is the Category of Web4 Important?
Markets thrive on certainty, and emerging tech, by its very nature is characterised by uncertainty. We believe that by clearly defining Web3 and Web4 Tech Categories, investment will flow more freely as investors gain understanding and confidence.
Web2 and Web3 have had their hype phases, and will continue to be necessary and developed (as is tech from any previous Era); but Web4 technology is an area poised for massive growth, both financially, and in terms of interest.
Web4 - Where Next?
Whether or not, as some are concerned, we end up in the Matrix - which, over 20 years ago, presented a dystopian version of what progressive eras of the Web could become - is a discussion we should continue on Social Media.
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